Your Next-Generation Job Search Partner

Use AI to find jobs that match your requirements, and that you are a qualified candidate for.

Looking for a job? You're going to read a lot of job postings.

Job postings often contain a lot of detail that you're missing on LinkedIn. Unfortunately, they can be extremely long!

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Or, you get a lot of recruiting emails,but it's hard to sort out what's a good opportunity, and what is trash.

Emails from recruiters are great, but are often not relevant, or not what you are looking for.

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Or, you search the big job sites, but they sell products to companies to influence your search

Indeed clearly states in their search that they rank based on compensation from companies. ⬇️

Indeed screenshots

LinkedIn sells access ⬇️

Linkedin screenshots

Enter, JobSearch+

Use an ChatGPT to Score Job Postings and Inbound Emails

Based on your resume, preferences, and email information, GPT will be used to score job postings and inbound emails.

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Discover Jobs that Match your Unique Preferences BETA

Based on your preferences (expressed in natural language), GPT will score and recommend jobs for you

For you

Apply With Context BETA

Get context on a job posting, with data pulled in from external APIs.
